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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif 記事: vibram five fingers - 13/09/2010 05:52

When a poor sheep is first put upon fattening food, the skin appears to vibram five fingers stick to the bones, and for a considerable time no fat is laid on, but gradually the sheep's skin becomes softer and more supple to the touch. This feeling is due to the formation of fat cells, after which the sheep fattens more rapidly than it previously did. In fact, when vibram fivefingers the cells are ready to receive the fat, this is soon deposited there from the fatty matter of the food. These cells cannot be formed rapidly, and hence it is that it is waste to give a lean animal large supplies of fat-producing food at the commencement of its feeding. vibram five fingers kso A moderate supply is most economical at first, if the animal is out of condition; and as its skin gets softer in handling, so we may know the cells are forming, and more fat-producing food may be advantageously given to the animal.Fat is not largely formed in any but domesticated animals, and generally speaking-, in these the fat is allowed to accumulate up vibram five fingers sale to the period of passing into the bands of the butcher. It is sometimes found in wild animals to a small extent, chiefly towards the end of summer, but during the winter months it is lost. This arises from the fact, that the demands upon the heat of the body are greater in winter than the food can supply, and thus the fat is first taken up into the circulation, and if pressed severely by cold the fat cells are also lost. This occurs very frequently with the sheep on our Moors. five fingers shoes At the end of the summer they are often in fair condition, but during the winter they lose it, and there is a difficulty to start them in the spring. This is entirely due to the fat cells being destroyed. The same food given to two sheep, the one of which has been run down so low as to lose all its fat cells whilst the other is in thriving condition, would by no means produce the same beneficial results. Much of the richness of the food would pass through the body without being appropriated, simply because these store-houses for the fat are being built, and until they are formed they cannot retain fat. As soon as the fat cells are formed, they are gradually filled vibram five fingers shoes with oily matter which remains liquid until after death.The maintenance of heat and the formation of fat are consequently opposing conditions of life, and hence, to favour the latter, the demands on the body for the former must be reduced as much as possible. It is in this manner that warmth and shelter are considered as an equivalent for food.Formation of Muscle.—This is produced from the nitrogenised matter of the food, which having passed as before described Mbt shoes clearance into the blood, is there found as fibrine. If blood is beaten with a bunch of twigs, we soon have strings of fibrine attaching themselves together. These strings or fibres are composed of a series of globules attached longitudinally, and they have been compared to strings of minute beads. This power of connection is exercised in the animal, and the fibrine which exudes through the capillaries thus becomes attached,

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif 記事: vibram fivefingers - 13/09/2010 06:00


and forms a series of these strings or elementary fibres, which vibram five fingers become bound together by transverse bands of the same material. Thus, any portion of the body which is injured, or severely exercised, receives fresh supplies of fibre to add to its muscular strength. It has been shown, and indeed it is a familiar fact, that exercise causes waste of the muscles, vibram fivefingers but nature with bountiful provision has so guarded the safety of the animal, as to cause this waste to be fully compensated. Hence those portions of the vibram five fingers kso body which arc most exercised receive most support, and instead of the exercise producing a decrease, it really tends to a fuller development of the part. Who has not observed the gambols of lambs; how they delight in taking exercise, and the beneficial influence it has upon their growth ? The fact is, although, by this exercise, there is a waste of muscle, yet this vibram five fingers sale loss stimulates an energy of growth which it is most desirable to encourage.Formation of Bone.—This also is derived from the blood. If we examine the structure of any bone, we shall find that in its earliest form, it consisted of gelatinous cells, and in these the earthy matter of the blood is deposited, thereby giving it a degree of firmness which fits it for performing its functions in the animal. In young animals we find the bones disposed to bend, but as the lime salts become more abundant, they become firm and rigid as in the adult, whilst in the old animal the salts are found in excess from the waste of the gelatine, and then they become crisp and readily five fingers shoes broken.In order that any food may possess all these properties, it is clear that it must be of a very mixed kind. There is one food which is pre-eminently adapted for fulfilling all the requirements, and that is milk. Here we find all the elements required in proportions well suited for promoting the health as well as the development of the animal. Every-day vibram five fingers shoes experience testifies to the fact that to promote the early growth of the young lamb there is no substitute equivalent to milk.Before leaving this investigation by Mr. Lawes, I'must draw the reader's attention to the important fact that two sheep, weighing 150 lbs. each, would eat as much as three weighing 100 lbs. each. It confirms the opinions of many practical men who advocate the use of small sheep for certain districts, for which they may be desirable for other reasons. For example, should the climate of any district render it necessary to carry, say, for instance, Exmoor sheep, because of their hardy nature, there need be no regret because of their small weights, as the number can be increased in the same proportion, so that the total weight of mutton the land carries is the same in both cases, but with this important difference, that you gain the same produce without introducing a class of sheep which experience stamps as unsuitable.I have already noticed, when speaking of hereditary communication, that peculiarities which Mbt shoes clearance are at first accidental become fixed elements of character when manifest in the offspring :

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif 記事: vibram five fingers kso - 13/09/2010 06:07


so it is with the disposition for early maturity, which having been vibram five fingers encouraged in the parents from generation to generation by high feeding from the time of birth, these communicated to their lambs this tendency to fatten early in life; but if such produce is badly kept whilst young, this tendency is checked, and less disposition for early maturity will be transmitted to the offspring. As we breed from sheep possessing this quality, and by our mode of management encourage this peculiarity, so we render it more and more a fixed feature vibram fivefingers of character; but by adopting an opposite course we nullify this influence. The reason is clear : if a young animal is well fed and has little exercise, the lungs are not brought into active use and are but feebly developed, whereas if the lamb has to roam about for food, and this of an inferior character, the lungs get more fully developed. vibram five fingers kso The result of this difference in the size of the lungs has been already shown to determine the quantity of carbonaceous matter which shall be reserved for fat. Thus the early habits induce a degree of indolence and a disinclination for exercise which increases in the animal with vibram five fingers sale its growth, and is transmitted to its descendants to be removed or confirmed by the subsequent management.The influence upon the breeding powers differs but little from the effect on the general strength of constitution—in fact, I may say it is embodied in it. It is clear that as the strength and vigour of the body is maintained, so also is the power of transmitting it. As we preserve a strong constitution, so we keep near to the original standard, five fingers shoes which is furnished with the most perfect provision for the perpetuation of the species. As we produce our improved domesticated breeds, so we introduce vibram five fingers shoes elements of weakness which are manifest in the reproduction of their successors.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif 記事: five fingers shoes - 13/09/2010 06:12


 Hence among very high-bred sheep, from the weakness of this part vibram five fingers of the system, there is less power of conception: abortion is comparatively frequent, the nourishment conveyed to the lamb both before and after birth is small, and the result is an enfeebled and delicate produce, well adapted for a luxurious mode of life, but utterly unable to contend with difficulties, such as more hardy breeds can surmount.Wool.This is a valuable vibram fivefingers portion of the returns from a well-managed flock, and requires notice in this place. The skin of sheep consists of three layers : the outer one is named the cuticle, which is thin and insensible, and possesses numerous pores. Beneath this we have a soft gelatinous mass, in which the capillaries and nerves appear to terminate, and below this we have that collection of delicate and elastic fibres which constitute the true skin. vibram five fingers kso If we examine beneath this third skin we find fatty cellular matter, and amongst it small vascular globules from which the wool grows, and having pierced the structure of the skins above, becomes developed into vibram five fingers sale a good protection for the animal's comfort. The structure of wool, when seen under a powerful microscope, appears like the circlets of leaves seen upon the cones of a firtree. The fineness of wool depends upon various causes. The diameter is influenced, amongst other conditions, by the size of the aperture through which it grows, consequently any cause contracting the size of these apertures would tend to produce a smaller and finer growth of wool. Cold is very productive of this result, and sheep exposed to the severity of the winter months five fingers shoes have the skin contracted and tightened thereby, and the result is wool of a more slender description: on the other hand, sheep exposed to the heat have the pores distended, and a larger-sized wool is produced. This variation is objectionable, and hence, if sheep are shielded from the extremes of heat and cold, the growth of wool is more even than if this precaution is neglected. We have, therefore, the means of regulating the evenness or trueness vibram five fingers shoes of the sample.